Synthetix (SNX) price for today $0.00
Market capitalization $0
Price movement in the last 24 hours
POS return of investment yearly 49.01 %
24-hour trading volume $0.00.
POS return of investment montly 4.08 %
SNX to stake : 0.00 SNX ($0.00)
Yearly Earning : 0.00 SNX ($0.00)
Monthly Earning : 0.00 SNX ($0.00)
Weekly Earning : 0.00 SNX ($0.00)
Daily Earning : 0.00 SNX ($0.00)
Synthetix network is secured via Proof of Stake. Proof of Stake, or if you want "proof of deposit / share" is the second way to confirm transactions and reach a distributed consensus. Synthetix holders stake their SNX in return for fees from the Synthetix network.