Reddcoin logo Reddcoin - RDD

Reddcoin is a digital payment currency that is connected to social media platforms and is used to transfer money and make payments between users. It uses blockchains to process payments through social media platforms. In fact, Reddcoin will allow users to reward content creators with RDD Coins. Instead of just liking a posted picture or a well-written article, or just double-clicking on a beautiful piece of art, Reddcoin adds value to their work. This creates a simple tipping system that is integrated into all known and frequently used social networks in order to make the exchange of tokens easy for the user and the recipient. It enables the creation of a real, monetary incentive for the exchange of useful information.


Reddcoin (RDD) price for today $0.000


Market capitalization $2,666,386

Price movement

Price movement in the last 24 hours 1.67 %

POS ROI (Yearly)

POS return of investment yearly 5.10 %


24-hour trading volume $416.59.

POS ROI (Monthly)

POS return of investment montly 0.43 %

Reddcoin price graph (6 month)

RDD Staking calculator

Enter your RDD amount:

RDD to stake :   0.00 RDD  ($0.00)

Yearly Earning :   0.00 RDD  ($0.00)

Monthly Earning :   0.00 RDD  ($0.00)

Weekly Earning :   0.00 RDD  ($0.00)

Daily Earning :   0.00 RDD  ($0.00)

How to stake Reddcoin?

The RDD Coin is not mined, but minted. Reddcoin uses the Proof-of-Stake Velocity Algorithm (PoSV), which is intended to replace the Proof of Work (PoW) as a mechanism for verifying transactions and creating blocks. After the introduction of PoSV, the mining of the coin became obsolete. Added to this is the introduction of multipools that mine the most profitable Altcoins and convert them into RDD coins for you. The interest rate of the PoSV averages 5% per year. Your bonus interest rate depends on how often you stake and how long your wallet runs by staying online.