Near Protocol (NEAR) price for today $0.00
Market capitalization $0
Price movement in the last 24 hours
POS return of investment yearly 10.60 %
24-hour trading volume $0.00.
POS return of investment montly 0.88 %
NEAR to stake : 0.00 NEAR ($0.00)
Yearly Earning : 0.00 NEAR ($0.00)
Monthly Earning : 0.00 NEAR ($0.00)
Weekly Earning : 0.00 NEAR ($0.00)
Daily Earning : 0.0000 NEAR ($0.0000)
On the Near Wallet home page, open the Staking tab. First, if you have more than one account, you need to select the one from which you will stake NEAR, then you need to choose the validator to whom you are going to delegate tokens. Click Select Validator to continue. On the new page, start entering the validator name, for example, Mystake, or choose it from the list manually, and then click Select. The wallet will show the validator fee. Now click Stake with validator to delegate coins. Specify the amount of NEAR tokens you want to delegate. Select the Use Max option to stake all available tokens in your wallet. Finally, click Submit stake to confirm the transaction.