Komodo logo Komodo - KMD

The Komodo blockchain is a fork of the ZCash blockchain, which in turn has been branched off from the Bitcoin blockchain, making Komodo a descendant of Bitcoin. It incorporates the zk-snark technology on which Zcash was built and adds a delayed proof of work consensus algorithm to make Komodo more robust and secure. The ultimate goal of Komodo is to develop an entire ecosystem of different partnerships. Since it was designed for developers of all levels and industries, it is very versatile.


Komodo (KMD) price for today $0.25


Market capitalization $34,885,198

Price movement

Price movement in the last 24 hours -3.02 %

POS ROI (Yearly)

POS return of investment yearly 5.15 %


24-hour trading volume $575,425.27.

POS ROI (Monthly)

POS return of investment montly 0.42 %

Komodo price graph (6 month)

KMD Staking calculator

Enter your KMD amount:

KMD to stake :   0.00 KMD  ($0.00)

Yearly Earning :   0.00 KMD  ($0.00)

Monthly Earning :   0.00 KMD  ($0.00)

Weekly Earning :   0.00 KMD  ($0.00)

Daily Earning :   0.00 KMD  ($0.00)

How to stake Komodo?

In order to recieve staking rewards you need to own at least 10 KMD. Komodo uses special UTXO protocol. It means your wallet does not have to be online (no need to run full node). You will only need to claim your reward once per month (in order to recieve next month reward).