Coti (COTI) price for today $0.11
Market capitalization $190,466,156
Price movement in the last 24 hours
POS return of investment yearly 25.10 %
24-hour trading volume $24,800,451.98.
POS return of investment montly 2.09 %
COTI to stake : 0.00 COTI ($0.00)
Yearly Earning : 0.00 COTI ($0.00)
Monthly Earning : 0.00 COTI ($0.00)
Weekly Earning : 0.00 COTI ($0.00)
Daily Earning : 0.0000 COTI ($0.0000)
Staking is now automated through the COTI MainNet wallet for approved stakers. There are certain requirements and and minimums for different options. The easiest is to delegate to a community node, which is a single-click operation within the official wallet.