ChainX logo ChainX - PCX

ChainX is a decentralized blockchain network . Main idea behind this cryptocurrency is addressing the need to make native blockchain assets interoperable with other blockchains. ChainX token ($PCX) is the native medium of exchange at Chainx network.


ChainX (PCX) price for today $0.000


Market capitalization $0

Price movement

Price movement in the last 24 hours 0.00 %

POS ROI (Yearly)

POS return of investment yearly 79.20 %


24-hour trading volume $0.00.

POS ROI (Monthly)

POS return of investment montly 6.60 %

ChainX price graph (6 month)

ChainX Staking calculator

Enter your PCX amount:

PCX to stake :   0.00 PCX  ($0.00)

Yearly Earning :   0.00 PCX  ($0.00)

Monthly Earning :   0.00 PCX  ($0.00)

Weekly Earning :   0.00 PCX  ($0.00)

Daily Earning :   0.0000 PCX  ($0.0000)

How to stake ChainX?

In order to start staking. Download official ChainX wallet. Store your tokens at your local wallet. In wallet go to "staking" section. Choose the nodes you like and click Vote.