Blackcoin (BLK) price for today $0.00
Market capitalization $0
Price movement in the last 24 hours
POS return of investment yearly 4.70 %
24-hour trading volume $0.00.
POS return of investment montly 0.39 %
BLK to stake : 0.00 BLK ($0.00)
Yearly Earning : 0.00 BLK ($0.00)
Monthly Earning : 0.00 BLK ($0.00)
Weekly Earning : 0.00 BLK ($0.00)
Daily Earning : 0.00 BLK ($0.00)
Blackcoin works on the principle of Proof of Stake, ie the network is maintained by open wallets of individual users. You simply download the wallet and leave it open for Staking. For this, you will receive a reward of 1.5 BLK (for 1 extracted block) plus transaction fees. Staking is an energy-efficient way of mining and does not put too much strain on your computer (an Internet browser burdens your computer more). All you need is a stable internet connection and a normal computer or laptop. Be sure to back up your wallet regularly, especially if you frequently generate new account addresses. In order for your coins to earn, they must meet the so-called "mature time", which is about 8 hours (500 confirmations). To receive a Staking Reward daily, you need to have about 10,000 BLK. The annual appreciation is about 1% - 8%, depending on how many coins in the network are stacked.