Ark logo Ark - ARK

The cryptocurrency serves as a token for the Ark platform. Ark uses the delegated proof of stake. The advantage of this algorithm is a fast, efficient, decentralized and flexible consensus finding. Coin holders can use a voting system, in a grassroots democratic sense, to make decisions about how to proceed in the future. The Ark system, like many other blockchains, uses the Byzantine fault tolerance system. Basically, this means that no computer on the network trusts the other computers. This means that no hacker in the world who does not know the system code can hack into the P2P network. Because every computer on the network that disseminates false information is excluded from the system. In this way, blockchain operators ensure that, for example, transactions are not made twice. The original problem is also known as the problem of the Byzantine generals. A unique selling point of the Ark platform is the distribution of the voting weight to all computers in the network. That makes it next to impossible to take over the network. Every computer in the network would have to be manipulated so that it could be hijacked. In addition, there is Ark's transaction speed. It takes miners 8 seconds in total to find a block . Ark reserves the right to flexibly adapt future scaling, if necessary.


Ark (ARK) price for today $0.55


Market capitalization $101,988,357

Price movement

Price movement in the last 24 hours 1.89 %

POS ROI (Yearly)

POS return of investment yearly 9.07 %


24-hour trading volume $17,095,203.06.

POS ROI (Monthly)

POS return of investment montly 0.75 %

Ark price graph (6 month)

ARK Staking calculator

Enter your ARK amount:

ARK to stake :   0.00 ARK  ($0.00)

Yearly Earning :   0.00 ARK  ($0.00)

Monthly Earning :   0.00 ARK  ($0.00)

Weekly Earning :   0.00 ARK  ($0.00)

Daily Earning :   0.00 ARK  ($0.00)

How to stake Ark?

To recieve staking rewards you need to own ARK and store them in the ARK wallet. At wallet you have to vote for delegate of your choice. Choose a delegate and click vote. This is all. Now you are staking your ARK.