Aave (AAVE) price for today $0.00
Market capitalization $0
Price movement in the last 24 hours
POS return of investment yearly 4.90 %
24-hour trading volume $0.00.
POS return of investment montly 0.40 %
AAVE to stake : 0.00 AAVE ($0.00)
Yearly Earning : 0.00 AAVE ($0.00)
Monthly Earning : 0.000 AAVE ($0.000)
Weekly Earning : 0.000 AAVE ($0.000)
Daily Earning : 0.0000 AAVE ($0.0000)
Staking consists of depositing your AAVE tokens within the protocol Safety Module. The purpose of staking is to act as a mitigation tool in case of a shortfall event. As an incentive for this service Safety Module stakers will receive Safety Incentives. To stake you can head over to the Aave app Staking section. Over the staking section select 'stake', input the amount to stake and click on 'stake'. Then proceed to send 2 transactions to stake your AAVE: 1. Approve: This is a required transaction prior to the staking that allows the staking contract to move your AAVE tokens. This transaction will not be required if you perform additional staking actions unless you revoke the approval. 2. Stake AAVE: This transaction performs the action to stake AAVE tokens. When confirmed, your tokens will be staked in the Safety Module.